1988 Number Ones


UK Number Ones in 1988

See all the 1988 Number One hits from the UK below and find out who had the longest running number one in the UK singles chart. Click on a Song Title to view full details of any song from the UK 1988 singles chart.

ArtistSong TitleWeeks at Number OneDate
Cliff RichardMistletoe and Wine404-12-1988
Robin BeckFirst Time313-11-1988
EnyaOrinoco Flow323-10-1988
Whitney HoustonOne Moment In Time209-10-1988
The HolliesHe Aint Heavy Hes My Brother218-09-1988
Phil CollinsA Groovy Kind Of Love204-09-1988
Yazz and Plastic PopulationThe Only Way Is Up531-07-1988
Glenn MedeirosNothings Gonna Change My Love For You403-07-1988
BrosI Owe You Nothing219-06-1988
The TimelordsDoctorin The Tardis112-06-1988
Wet Wet Wet and Billy BraggWith A Little Help From My Friends415-05-1988
Fairground AttractionPerfect108-05-1988
S ExpressTheme From S Express224-04-1988
The Pet Shop BoysHeart303-04-1988
AswadDont Turn Around220-03-1988
Kylie MinogueI Should Be So Lucky514-02-1988
TiffanyI Think Were Alone Now324-01-1988
Belinda CarlisleHeaven Is A Place On Earth210-01-1988

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