1978 Number Ones


UK Number Ones in 1978

See all the 1978 Number One hits from the UK below and find out who had the longest running number one in the UK singles chart. Click on a Song Title to view full details of any song from the UK 1978 singles chart.

ArtistSong TitleWeeks at Number OneDate
Boney MMarys Boy Child Oh My Lord405-12-1978
Rod StewartDa Ya Think Im Sexy128-11-1978
The Boomtown RatsRat Trap214-11-1978
John Travolta and Olivia Newton JohnSummer Nights726-09-1978
10ccDreadlock Holiday119-09-1978
The CommodoresThree Times A Lady515-08-1978
John Travolta and Olivia Newton JohnYoure The One That I Want913-06-1978
Boney MRivers Of Babylon509-05-1978
The Bee GeesNight Fever225-04-1978
Brian and MichaelMatchstick Men and Matchstick Cats and Dogs304-04-1978
Kate BushWuthering Heights407-03-1978
AbbaTake A Chance On Me314-02-1978
Brotherhood Of ManFigaro107-02-1978
Althia and DonnaUp Town Top Ranking131-01-1978

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